Inner Child Alchemy
Feb 18TH to April 8th 2025
8 Weeks Live Online via Zoom Tuesdays 9:30 am Perth WAST
with Devahnah
Replays available to watch & download
Count me in!Share your light, Presence, Gifts and Power from a safe and confident place that is in flow and natural alignment with your Divine Source Self.
Let's create a safe and loving relationship with your inner child and reclaim your capacity to fully trust life.
During your Course you will be supported to reclaim the pure love vibration and creativity of your inner child heart.
When your inner child feels safe, loved, and seen, the pathways of healing open effortlessly.
Shifts that allow both of you to let go of fear, shame, anxiety, blocked creativity, isolation and lack mentality happen with ease and grace.
You can both step into a life that is guided by your Higher Heartlight, your Higherhearts intelligence, guidance and true joy.
This creates a foundation that allows you to be in flow with your Divine Service Alignment, Soul Purpose and Soul Mission.
Temple Safety as the Foundation
Your journey includes a protected Temple space where your inner child can fully trust that s/he is held, appreciated, and celebrated. It’s through this safety that deep healing becomes possible, as your nervous system can relax, and old cycles of self-protection begin to unwind.
A Union of Heart and Mind
You are supported to connect with your Divine Higher Mind and Divine Higher Heart allowing for profound reunion and a feeling of light and safety that supports your inner child’s playful creativity. This sacred balance empowers you to release past programming and embody the wisdom of your Source Self, anchored in the love of Gaia and Divine Creation.
Breaking Cycles of Self-Protection
You will be lovingly guiding to let go of old wounds, imprints, confusions and feelings, release the survival responses fight, flight, freeze, fear and flop that you are both trapped in, and create space for heart and soul expression, aliveness, and the courage to blossom. This is the sacred act of re-parenting yourself with compassion, gentleness, and patience.
Clearing and Rewriting Stories
The stories held by your inner child whether rooted in ancestral patterns, or childhood experiences can be rewritten with love. By honouring your Source Self’s ability to rewire old neural pathways, you support your inner child in telling a new story of empowerment, ease, and divine connection to embrace your Soul’s light and DNA at its purest form and re-creating yourself with love, compassion, and reverence.
The Power of Playfulness and Innocence
Your inner child is the keeper of wonder, joy, and creativity. By reconnecting with their playful light, you anchor a sense of mature innocence, one that is deeply wise and protected, immune to false light and self sabotage. This childlike energy is key to co-creating a New Earth, where your gifts flow with grace, ease, and authenticity.
Connection to Source and Gaia
At the heart of inner child healing is the recognition of their divine protection and connection to Source and Gaia. When your inner child feels rooted in love and divinely supported, they can share their gifts confidently, knowing their light is sacred, untouchable, and meant to shine for the highest good. Throughout your journey your Divine Source Self and Spiritual Family, Source and Gaia will be there to guide and protect you both.
Inner Child Alchemy is a transformative course that helps you connect with your inner child. This connection fosters personal growth, expanded presence, and empowerment. It's a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness for sensitive souls, lightworkers, wizards, creatives, & starseeds ready to embody & feel safe to share the unique gifts they were born with.

Heart to Heart
Connect heart to heart with your Inner Child to expand into the next level of your light, presence & power.

Expanded Presence
Share your light, Presence, Gifts and Power from a safe and confident place that is in flow and natural alignment with your Divine Source Self.

Empowered Self
Experience the Bright Soul Guided Journeys that have been specifically created to guide you as we move through each week. Youll love these!
How will you and your Inner Child discover & explore the gifts, light presence and power you came here to share?
Be deeply held by the Higher Heart Field of our beloved Mother Gaia & Source as you and your Inner Child clear old energy, stories, core beliefs, and core memories.
Connect to your own Higher Heart Field within the loving, tender, compassionate and kind embrace of the Bright Soul Temples to expand into the next level of your light, presence & power.
Experience a series of beautiful, powerful deep holding and transformational journeys with the Bright Soul Temples to reconnect with the pure lovelight you brought into this world that has been kept in a safe, but dormant layer of your Source Self DNA.
Connect with your New Earth Ascension Team and remember past life and multidimensional wisdom, knowledge and Soul Gifts.
Receive your own Set of Bright Soul Temples and the Activation Prayers and comprehensive Manual so that you can continue to explore and embody more and more of your Light, Sovereignty and Confidence moving forward.
There will also be ample time to be met where you are in this moment, further secure your boundaries, and connect with the New Earth Grids, Keepers & Timelines as you rebirth your Soul Light and anchor your next level Soul Purpose and Soul Mission Codes.
Count me in!
What is the outcome of this sacred work?
The outcome of this sacred work is a profound homecoming. It’s about guiding your inner child back to their divine safety, strength, and playful light, where they remember who they truly are: loved, worthy, and deeply connected to Source and Gaia.
Through this course, the barriers of old stories, fears, and survival patterns dissolve as you gently alchemize them into trust, joy, and wholeness. The Temples hold you in a protected space of transformation, where your grown-up self and inner child learn to co-create as one unified force of love and light.
By connecting with the Temples’ prayers, activations, and healing energy, you awaken the wisdom of your Higher Heart and Higher Mind, rewiring your inner world with kindness and compassion. The result is a felt sense of being held and knowing that you are safe to share your gifts, speak your truth, and express the beauty of your soul in the world.
Your inner child begins to thrive as she feels the unwavering support of her Source Self, Divine Creation, and the Earth herself. She remembers her confidence, playfulness, and innocence—matured now into a grounded trust that protects and empowers her light. You emerge more embodied, anchored, and alive, feeling the full embrace of Source and Gaia, where every step forward is met with love and support.
This work liberates you to live from your deepest truth, unshackled from past limitations. It aligns you to the New Earth’s frequencies, where you are free to create and share your magic effortlessly, knowing it is safe, sacred, and celebrated.
Ultimately, the outcome of this journey is a radiant partnership with your inner child and Source Self—one that fills you with the courage to shine, the wisdom to trust, and the joy of being exactly who you came here to be.
Count me in!What temples will you be experiencing?
Who is Inner Child Alchemy for?
What Course Materials are supplied?
How is the Course delivered?

"Inner child work is really profound and Devahnah creates the most magical and beautiful space with the Inner Child Alchemy. It allowed me to let my inner child be free to express their needs and heal. Devahnah made me feel safe, seen and loved every moment. I have signed up to do it again as my inner child has so much more to share and heal and I know others are too. Thank you Devahnah for sharing your magic with us so we can shine our own magic too." E.G. Australia

"I felt called to do Inner Child Alchemy, but was initially hesitant because I have previously done so much inner child healing and thought I had nothing new to heal. Boy was I wrong! This offering is so unique and different than anything else I have experienced. The cutting edge new earth energy codes and upgrades for instant and total transformational on a multinational level is more than I ever thought was possible. Yet at the same time, so gentle and kind that I felt so safe and supported in the physical and non-physical. I use the temple activation, sacred geometry codes, sound healing, and audio recordings on a regular basis in my life, which helps me calmly cope in stressful or overwhelming situations and even get a good night sleep. I have gained so much more clarity and discernment to make decisions dealing with people, my health, relationships, single parenting, and communicating effectively. The content in this offering from Devahnah and the huge benevolent multidimensional team in spirit also unlocked the pieces of the puzzle of missing information, facilitated my heart expansion & DNA upgrades that I needed to finally let stuff go permanently. I highly recommend this offering for anyone sick and tired of the nervous system merry-go-round who wants to step up into their true Queen/King vibration with pure magic in motion!" - J.H. Australia

"I've done inner child work previously with the help of a skilled therapist, however my interaction and support of her was quite limited and seemed out of reach. While doing the Inner Child Alchemy course there were massive shifts (on many levels) and I can really feel the daily presence now of my inner child walking alongside me, arm-in-arm, as we uncover life together with curiosity and love. The program itself is a joy to experience and I'm thrilled to have such incredible energetic support tools through the beautiful temples to continue to connect with my inner child/self and our journey together. Thank you for facilitating such a powerful and lovely Course." E.B. USA

"This was the most powerful journey i have done. I always knew there was something more but never got to the core cause ! This is a journey not to miss.I booked for a 2nd round, see you there."Love P.M.

"Today’s session was sooo beautiful and profound Devahnah. Wow! Thank you thank you. The feeling of being in that space was so unique — I felt such love and peace. I experienced a deep release. Deeply appreciating you and for the opportunity to experience your magic." N.L. New Zealand

"The Temples and healing sessions ran so deep for me. Im so grateful I have the recordings to listen back to and the prayers to use so I can keep growing my heart Field. Learning from my inner child about our magic has and is a revelation beyond words! So grateful for who you are and what you share. Thank you." J.M

"I just love the depths of this exquisite, healing program. This energy has supported me, challenged me, loved me & taught me more about myself than almost anything else I’ve done. A beautiful investment, it’ll support you throughout your life. Thank you Devahnah, Love & Deep Appreciation." K.H.

"The difference in how I feel and experience change has shifted into such a loving and kind space from doing this work. Love and gratitude for this amazing journey." L.P.

Added Bonus!
Participants are eligible to SAVE 30% on a personal appointment with Devahnah. Normally $222 for $155
Inner Child Alchemy
Please Note: Course Course Access begins Feb 11th.
We start on Feb 18th
$555 Full Payment
Count me in!Inner Child Alchemy
Please Note: Course Course Access begins Feb 11th.
We start on Feb 18th
4 x $149 Monthly Payment Plan
Count me in!
Meet Devahnah
"As an Earth Ascension Specialist, New Earth C0-creator, Sacred Artist and conduit for Divine Intelligence and Divine Love, my mission is to facilitate the profound transformation, evolution and elevation of humanity and our planet.
I do this by inviting you into the unified Heart Field of Source and Gaia to experience the energy, adjustments, freedom and guidance waiting to meet and empower you.
Through the fusion of spiritual insight, and energetic attunement, I will guide you on your journey of self-discovery, healing, and alignment with the evolving consciousness of our new Earth so that you can fulfil your own sacred purpose and mission on earth.
I have had to do so much work around reclaiming the light, joy, beauty and power of my own inner child and have a very deep appreciation of the tender nature of this profound exploration. For this reason creating a loving and compassionate space for our hearts to open and reveal their magic is a top priority. I continue to discover more about myself and what we need collectively as I walk with others on this sacred path. I feel very honoured to hold space for those drawn to this wonderful journey.
All aspects of my work are dedicated to awakening your higher heart and divine soul, empowering you to access your inner wisdom, and embody a deep connection with your own Divine Presence to discover and embody your own unique place, purpose and belonging within the new earth.
I am also committed to providing high frequency tools for New Earth Creators, Lightworkers, Sensitive Souls, Caregivers, and Truth Seekers who support others to embrace their unique healing pathways and navigate the shifting energies of our evolving world with grace and purpose.
I envision a harmonious and ascended Earth where creativity, spirituality, and love converge, inspiring each soul to shine as a beacon of light and contributing to the co-creation of a higher, more loving reality."
If you feel drawn to a Personal Session you can discover more here